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Maintenance and care of automatic thread locking machine
Automatic lock wire machine structure is complex, high degree of automation, fast speed, expensive. These devices with the increase in the number of years of use, will cause damage to some parts, in addition to the natural wear and tear, and equipment such as not timely maintenance, will make the equipment performance decline rapidly. This requires the use of equipment in the process of insisting on the use, maintenance, inspection, troubleshooting, so that the equipment is always in the best operating condition.
First, clean
Cleaning is an important aspect of equipment maintenance. Seriously do a good job of regular cleaning of equipment, keep the machine appearance neat, machine belly clean, not only can improve the service life of the equipment, but also to find hidden accidents and equipment wear and tear or damage, and can do timely maintenance;
Second, check
In order to eliminate the hidden danger of equipment accidents in a timely manner, each piece of equipment should be regularly inspected. Inspection can be divided into every shift inspection, weekly inspection, half-yearly inspection. Especially the key parts should be inspected frequently to eliminate the hidden danger of accidents and ensure safety.
1, every shift check. When taking over each shift, you should check the records of handover to understand the operation of the machine in the previous shift. Before starting the machine should be checked in detail, such as observing the machine, the machine belly with or without debris, whether there are damaged parts, whether the air compressor has been drained, how the wind pump air pressure, whether the oil tank is out of oil and so on. When starting the machine, first point a few turns before starting, first slow speed and then gradually increase the speed, fixed speed. When running, pay attention to "listen", "touch", "check". Listen to the machine running sound is normal, there is no whistling, friction, impact sound; touch the temperature of the machine parts, such as touching the motor surface, roller bearing seat, etc., to feel whether the temperature is normal; check the operation of the machine, whether the air pressure reaches the standard, whether the production of qualified products, etc.. As long as the abnormal phenomenon should be found immediately stop the machine to find the reason, timely exclusion, such as can not be excluded should be promptly reported to the person in charge.
2, weekly inspection. General printing plant to set aside half a day a week to carry out detailed checks on equipment. Weekly inspection may include the following:
(1) check the paper feeder chain, sprocket, universal joints, key pins work, and the universal joint ball part of the oil lubrication.
(2) Check the paper conveyor belt, belt clamps, tensioner pulley, diaojiao paper work.
(3) Check whether the unveiler operates normally.
4)Check the tightness of the conveyor belt and adjust it, and replace it if it is badly worn.
5)Check the electromagnetic clutch and brake pads, test its braking performance.
6)Check the tightness of the locking thread needle set, staple holder, needle holder, gear, rack, pressure plate, and paper conveyor plate.
7) Electrical safety check. Safety device sensitivity check, photoelectric eye, sensor working condition check, electrical buttons, especially emergency locking button reaction speed check, indication display, signal display, work display working condition check.
8) Air circuit check. Such as checking its pressure, leakage, negative pressure suction pipe is blocked, whether the filter should be replaced. 3, half-yearly inspection. Big check to the machine to arrange enough time, including machine performance test, general machine tank to replace the lubricant, wear and tear of the parts to be replaced, electrical sensitivity check, aging components to be replaced.
Third, lubrication
1, regular oil change. The new machine should be used 2 to 3 weeks after a thorough oil change, and then every 3 months to about half a year to change the oil. Each oil change should be thoroughly cleaned oil tank, oil pump, filter, check the oil circuit and parts.
2, all kinds of filters in the oil circuit should be cleaned regularly, the ultra-fine filter should be replaced with a new one every time in general, and the oil pipe and pressure nozzle should be washed by high-pressure blowing, so as to ensure that the oil circuit is unobstructed. 3、For adding oil to the oil eye, available special refueling oil pot, generally add more than 50 oil.
4, filling grease (grease), should be able to see the new oil and the old dirty oil all extrusion friction surface is appropriate, so as to avoid the old oil in the small friction debris and dirt.
5, refueling should be carefully checked before the oil grade, quality, can not be mixed with different grades of oil refueling. Never mix gasoline, kerosene into the oil.